But ah! my soul I found you
In your romantic youth
Too much drunk in worthless passions
When I taught you right things
Yet was not I strong enough.
Before I realised your follies
Or taught myself to be patient
I looked back at that heavenly bliss
Which I longed to have for ever
My wandering soul kept waiting.
Says my conscience with confidence
That my drunken soul will return
When the magic youth sheds its spells
I pray leave me my soul
To have a moment of eternal union.
In your romantic youth
Too much drunk in worthless passions
When I taught you right things
Yet was not I strong enough.
Before I realised your follies
Or taught myself to be patient
I looked back at that heavenly bliss
Which I longed to have for ever
My wandering soul kept waiting.
Says my conscience with confidence
That my drunken soul will return
When the magic youth sheds its spells
I pray leave me my soul
To have a moment of eternal union.