Monday, October 17, 2011

A Fair Heart's Grievances

It is the death by hands
Vacuum aspiration,dilation and curettage
Down the red tunnel,it goes the metal rods
The numbness,pain,groan.

The cannula vacuumed
The future dreams
Empty vessels the cores damaged
All lay still,paralysed.

Mine was the fault to bear
A pain so ruthless to wear
And the hands for help
No white gown could hear.

Here you have no cause to tears
Everything done,clean
Whatever pain is yours
After the haemorrhage.

The pain travelled from depths
Through the tunnel up the chariots
The fathomless pits of wisdom
There it turned silver drops.

The fair hand raised to heaven
Grievances were her own
The dark nights,endless corridors
And the rattling in the cupboard.

As a part of divine purpose
Or vengeance of an untold past
The mourning and howling
Remnants of a wanton fate.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


But ah! my soul I found you
In your romantic youth
Too much drunk in worthless passions
When I taught you right things
Yet was not I strong enough.

Before I realised your follies
Or taught myself to be patient
I looked back at that heavenly bliss
Which I longed to have for ever
My wandering soul  kept waiting.

Says my conscience with confidence
That my drunken soul will return
When the magic youth sheds its spells
I  pray leave me my soul
To have a moment of eternal union.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

In time

In time we see that dew drops
The blooming buds touched
The sweetest flower in time,we see
Does appear and fade away.

With cool breeze the strong bud
In time does move
The hardest heart in time does yield
To cupid's magic spells.

Where fully bloomed flower
There comes a fiend
Where deep passion poisonous turns
There arouses its doom.

What folly does it cause
My heart to weep
That angel time"ll not wipe
And touch to smile.

Time causes a new born bud
What care does it not ease?
In time I see  that I love
In both pleasure and content.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Loneliness you be hailed
Thrice betrayed he lay
Not that he a fool
But by no heart known.

Wretched soul,craving for aeons
Had no chance to revel
Though at times elated
Hell only can afford.

Lived a butcher's life
No glory to claim
Nor does a worthy ancestry
And a decent home.

Rather be to hell
Than a longing so intense
As it corrodes will
To  fathoms he drown.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The radiated tortoise

The radiated tortoise.After learnin Fengshui from  my brother I couldn't help keepin a tortoise in my room.And Yes !it had influenced my career.

Lady in red

Yet to be framed.The colours makes me feel life.I dedicate this to my dear DC(my brother)who is the one whe opened before me the wonders of colours.Hadn't turned back after that.We're kindred spirits.He knows me more than me myself.


He bought me a book on painting'n i still have very sweet feelings aboutThe silent but strong inspiration he keeps in the fathoms of his heart.I cant help bowin with gratitude towards him.


After the birth of Aby.I made little strokes at the short intervals of 28 day old's sleep.It was such painful strokes.He didn't let me complete five strokes a day.still i much was my drive to create.

Set Free

Have a lot to say about this.The one I painted when my deeply felt emotions were set free.I couldn't stop finishin this in a week.Created before placed near our stair.

Friday, August 12, 2011

An Autumn Breeze

Had I swept over
This cool breeze
When to the roots
I shatter.
All pains I shiver
Is this not meant
In the autumn
I wonder.
Let those who grieve
Abide by this breeze
But with steadfast steps
Its better.
But I must endure
Lay in joy upon
Adoring with heart and soul
I remain.
From morn to night
I delight
No human heart could dcipher
Its mystery.
Leaves are fallen
Buds unfurled
Twisting and turning
I surrender.
Breatheless I shall die
Or faint,this immortal pain
Wrapped myself in rosy robes
I defend.
Growing insane,haunting waves
Transgressed ,to the breeze
I submit...